kais site - guitar.html

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my guitar and amp i guess

i play the jazzmaster because my favorite guitarist hisako tabuchi from number girl plays it. i also saw a lot of shoegaze guitarists use it and i thought it kinda just looked cool as well, for example kevin shields.

i played a jmaster for the first time in a guitar center and it felt very nice to play. 10/10 guitar would recommend, rhythm circut is very cool even though most of the time i just use it as a killswitch

my first guitar ever was some offbrand strat that i played at school in 8th grade. dont remember what it was, but it was black and had a gray pick guard and an orange neck

oh yea i play the bass sometimes too. im not really that good though if im ever performing something with a band or something and they dont have a bassist im kinda just a backup. im gonna buy a bass one day. speaking of bands, im not in one. i just go to events n stuff when i can


as said in the index.html, i play jazzmasters. my main guitar is a squier classic vibe 60s jmaster at home, but at school i also have an american professional ii, both in sunburst. my dream guitar is a kurt cobain jaguar maybe or just to own myself the same american professional jazzmaster i have at school


my current amp is the champion 40. i have a twin reverb '65 at school and i guess its my dream amp. i just want it at home lol
i found out about the champion 40 by using it in a guitar store and i liked the effects it had. didnt need to buy pedals. i know theres better amps for that but whatever lol. btw i love fender if you couldnt tell already