9/9/24 maria back in orchestra(?)

woke up at usual time and headed to school. took the least walking route cuz it was actually cold outside. winter is here omfg

first period and second period went as usual. we did actual setup during band today which took like forever. the drummer took a bit to setup and so did max. he was using this big ass 88 key keyboard which i didn't even know we had in the cage. he's gonna be playing with two other alternates i think. i setup my guitar pretty easily and started messing around. hopefully we get quicker at this lol

when i went into orchestra MARIA CAME TO CLASS HOLY SHIIIT im not gonna be alone in orchestra anymore. i dont know if she actually got accepted but she got an email saying her program change was approved but she didnt get any new schedule. she has lunch pd 4 so she went to orchestra instead. immediatelh hugged when we saw eachother cause its been months and we sat down on the right side of the auditorium. she showed me her violin which i played for a bit and we talked about our home situations. ngl violin is easier to play than viola. i dont think i'll be playing viola this year. mr mikulka told me i could play bass or piano if i wanted and i chose bass. im gonna be an alternate lol

period 5 health was pretty normal. period 6 ensemble was great we practiced this easy ass tab and our tempo alltogether. carlos has been telling me he's gonna bring is kremer with a floyd rose for a while but hasn't. he texted me earlier today that he MIGHT tomorrow but idk

lunch was nice, talked to dan about her new dog and random shit about the new school year

chem was normal we learned about exponents. geometry was actually pretty fun i met these two new boys who i just naturally ended up talking to with gavin cause they were sitting at our table. we learned how to use compasses n how to draw circles n shit. i couldnt figure out how to properly use the compass until my teacher told me that he likes to rotate the paper and i was like OHHH HOLY SHIT THATS SO SMART

global sucked idk anyone in that class but i talked to the dude at my table about the answers for the worksheet we were doing. he seems chill

i fucking zoomed home got home early asf because the bus came literally the moment i got to the bus stop. my app said the bus was coming in 10 minutes but it was right there. im guessing the bus i got in literally just went into service cause it was completely empty. it feels fucking amazing to ride the b11 when its not completely jam packed. the b11 is probably my favorite bus because of all the memories and shit it drives past like my old middle school. the x37 is probably my most favorite bus in the city though because of the chill and empty drive into brooklyn and the ocean view along shore rd

speaking of the b11.. every time i take that bus home i see this pretty cute asian girl on the bus. maybe i should go up to her. did i write about her in the last entry? i would check but im too lazy. i'm tired of talking to asians though. their parents wayyyy to strict and lowkey racist

i started listening to steve lacy a lot today. his old demo album is great. i used to listen to it a few years back so it gives me nostalgia. also a great morning vibe album. i like listening to r&b shit on my morning trip to school

called zee omw home pretty chill we havent called in a bit. going to bed at 10. i gotta wake up at 5:30 cuz i gotta take a shower in the morning lol. goodnight