i woke up today at like 9 i think and went right back to sleep and constantly kept waking up and falling back asleep over and over. i had so many dreams and i dont remember any of them. i love doing this
i joined some flash shift held by a new SV and it was trash. very fast typers though who finished the trivia fast as fuck
i practiced violin HEAVY as fuck today. i have the whole song down almost by complete memory. at 7:30 my mom walked in on me playing and i didn't even notice she was there until i practically finished the song and she scared the shit out of me when i looked up. i played the whole song again for her on speaker and played kinda shit ngl but she said it sounded great so
i tried multiple text editors today and did more stuff to my linux install. i tried doom emacs but didnt really like it so i just configured my vim install more. i've gotten to a config that i kinda like but the colors for some of the text is pretty broken. also some symbols on my airline dont work either. ill fix it when i have the time to. also im trying out comic sans mono showed in the imgs. goofy font but i kinda like it
i created a color picker command cuz i jsut wanted something to quickly click on a pixel and grab its hex color without doing any extra shit. hippoz showed me jgmdev/wl-color-picker but the code is written terribly and it uses zenity lmaoo. i've been thinking about getting back into writing posix sh too. its been a while. i rewrote housemaid but i haven't pushed it yet. i'll do it soon if i can remmeber. i still need to remake the readme
mel at 11:10, stayed up late doing homework. goodnight