9/22/24 homeeeworkrkrkkk

today was also kinda boring. norby announced flash shift which i joined. esterfield flood & i got esterfield ds. it was fun ig. i joined the shift like 20 minutes early through norby's joins lol and was the first person in but had to rejoin when the link was posted so it was fair

joined llyn summer rush shift too or whatever it was called got llyn g1 DS and disconnected 45 mins into the shift. the june sds application results also got announced halfway through the shift and the whole network went to a standstill while we were all looking at the results. awesome shit

i installed some games today got beamng drive cause apparently there was a new traffic update which fixed all the lag and it did which is fucking amazinggg i love it. also i started playing phantom forces again. not too much though. its fun

i had a bunch of geometry homework which was mostly just ungraded review packets cause i have a test tomorrow. i still had to read like 20 pages of dreaming in cuban by the time it was 9:50 and had to write a whole paragraph about it. i just finished at 10:45 and am writing this journal entry rn right after

im still sick. im getting better but man its fucking annoying sleeping with a clogged nose at night

anyways school tomorrow. i'll write about it tomorrow. taking melatonin at 10:52. gn