7/20/24 pool cleaning

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woke up at 6 am wtf.. i haven't seen the sun rise since i was at the airport. this morning i cleaned the pool for like an hour with my brother it was cool i was holding this huge stick carrying bugs out the water. i was drenched in sweat when i was done tho cuz texan heat

went to heb to get some food and we got chick fil a. tried a chicken sandwich for the first time lmao it was good

went to gamestop and got some pokemon cards and then went to walmart and got some more, listened to not like us omw home it was awesome. got two of the same $80 dollar card lol we have made like $1000 in pokemon cards over the last two weeks

i think my brother is planning on having some kinda barbecue party thing soon with my cousins and stuff idk but he's gonna make burgers